Animal Totems by StarStuffs


Animal Sound Information

Each sound file is copyright to their respective owners/holders. With due diligence - images and sounds are public domain and/or from my private collection. Many sounds are from US Fish and Wildlife and National Park Services and complies with InfoPolicies. Non-profit, informational use only. All usage terms have been satisfied to the best knowledge available. You may not hotlink directly to the sound files using the websites bandwidth or modify totem animal sounds and not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not alter or transform this work. You may not save them to your own hard drive as there may be a copyright under the respective Usage and Terms of Service. You may no include the files in a directory, personal or online file system and/or make them available to others in a directory or any organized format. We are not responsible for others neglect in usage. Please use due diligence.

If there is a file that you or you organization has not been credited properly and/or would like proper credit and/or would like removed please contact StarStuffs for appropriate action. StarStuffs would be happy to give proper credits and/or remedy any issue involving the sounds. This web site is a Non-profit educational medium for learning and expanding knowledge.

StarStuffs has made every attempt to abide by the sound file Usage and Terms of Services as set forth in the Animal Sound Source information. The owner of this web site, hereby indemnifies and hold harmless, Lecticom Services, and its employees or owners from any liability arising from the use of the sound files. StarStuffs is solely responsible as every attempt has been made to use the sound files fairly, justly, legally according to the Terms of Services associated with the sound files.

Sound List Sources

  • US Fish and Wildlife Service (Public Domain)
  • U.S. National Park Service (Public Domain)
    • Non-Commercial Use - The sounds are license and royalty free for non-commercial use.
      • BUZZBEE.mp3
      • HOUSEFLY.mp3
    • All recordings (unless indicated otherwise) are copyrighted by Raimund Specht, Avisoft Bioacoustics. If you use any of these recordings, please make a note on the origin and add a link to
      • crane.wav
      • cuckoo.wav
      • Flamingo.wav
      • goose.wav
      • starling.wav
  • Western Sound Scape
    • Audio file copyright 2008, the Western Soundscape Archive at the University of Utah J. Willard Marriott Library, Use of this audio file is allowed in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License;
      • Moose1_080714_BC_MS_160.mp3
  • Stan Osolinski/Oxford Scientific Films
    • BBC Natural History Sound Library. All rights reserved.(catbird.wav)
  • John Dudak/Phototake NYC
    • BBC Natural History Sound Library. All rights reserved (cowbird.wav)
  • Eyal Bartov/Oxford Scientific Films
    • BBC Natural History Sound Library. All rights reserved. (falcon.wav)
  • BBC Natural History Sound Library. All rights reserved.(pheasant.wav)
  • "Eyewitness Encyclopedia of Nature" CDROM - Dorling Kindersley Multimedia 1995 (mountainbluebird.wav)

These terms and conditions may be modified at any time.