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Terms and Conditions
Copyright Information
Copyright © 1997 to present by StarStuffs. This is a general copyright notice for all online articles contained within my websites and should carry the name of 'StarStuffs' as the author. All rights are reserved for reproduction and usage. However, the author gives permission to freely copy any of the online articles for their personal noncommercial use only. In order for contents, in full or in part, to be displayed on public websites, electronic magazines, teaching curriculums and other public forums,
must be attached to every article.
Drop me a line and let me know if you'll be using the information here. It's interesting to see where my articles are passed along to.
Please see Full Copyright Notice.
Animal Sound Information
1. StarStuffs' personal library of sounds and 2. Verifiable Public Domain which are sounds that have been added to the public domain. They are owned by the public, and are 100% free. 3. Sounds used under certain terms. You may not reproduce, duplicate, alter, or use any of this work for commercial purposes. Each sound file is copyright to their respective owners/holders. This web site is a Non-profit educational medium for learning and expanding knowledge. You may not hotlink directly to the sound files using the websites bandwidth. All usage terms have been satisfied to the best knowledge available.
Please see Full Animal Sound Information.
Web Site Revision 7th Edition 2010
Last Updated 2.03.12