Recognizing Subtle Energies
Learning and recognizing the subtle energies that infuses and radiates from all things. One may feel a heightened awareness and increased sensitivity of the physical world. Colors are brighter, sight is clearer, hearing may be enhanced, taste and smell becomes sharp, an overall new awareness of the natural beauty around you.
The Third Wisdom awakens ones awareness of how energy dynamics relates to human consciousness and the world around us. It is also the ground basis of what is to follow. At least grasping there is an energetic connection and relationship to all things in the physical, is another step toward self awareness. Basic knowledge of how energy works gives us a new subtle understanding that alters our perceptions which allows the spectrum of defined beauty to expand.
- Colors are brighter and bolder
- Shapes and objects are sharper with higher contrast
- Hearing higher and lower pitches with sensitivities to sounds
- Surroundings appear to glow and come alive with a new vibrance
- Eating food comes alive with flavors and textures
- Heightened and acute sense of smell
- One feels a sense of expansion and connection to the world.
- A feeling of rebirth and joy as all things are seen for the "first time".
Please see the Physics and Consciousness web section for reference information
Perceptions of our world lies within the basic understanding of energy. Our heightened senses can then extend our visual acuity to see the energy field around things. The surrounding energy fields are otherwise known as auras. The intents and purposes of the 3rd Wisdom is to initially recognize what energy is and how the aura can be a viewable energy. This auric energy can be seen as glowing halo of light that can be seen in close proximity to plants, animals and people. With practice one can learn to at least recognize the aura around things and with more practice and soul development one can see and sense colors, ailments and make diagnosis that are done in soul and aura healing and other healing practices.
Based upon the premise that molecules and atoms are in constant state of motion which can be measured as vibration and frequency, we can also say all things have a frequency and vibration because they consist of molecules and atoms. Everything living and non living thing contains and emits energy.
How to See Auras
For the purpose of this Wisdom, sages and seers have always known that sunrises and sunsets are conducive for energy fields to be seen. These times of the day make it relatively easy to attempt and practice viewing your own aura and those around trees and plants. The following exercises are geared toward this magical time of day of dawn and twilight. With practice seeing auras can come naturally at any time of the day or night.
Exercise 1 - "Energy Tendrils"
Touch the tips of your index fingers together against the bluish-yellow twilight background of the sky. Then separate the tips of your fingers about an inch paying close attention to the space between. You may need to allow your eyes to soften and relax a bit, even allowing them to slightly going out of focus. It may also help to look beyond your fingers at the sky. After relaxing your eyes for a few minutes, slowly move your fingers up and down in a see-saw motion altering their height. Again, pay careful attention to the space between the fingers.
Due to a contrasting background, what you will see is an "energy-tendril" between your index fingers. When you move your fingers it will move likewise. You may want to experiment by encircling your fingers, touching and moving all of you fingers, and/or try seeing the energy between your palms.
If you can't see this at first, keep trying as long as you and your eyes are relaxed. If you feel frustrated take a break and enjoy the moment. When you finally see the "energy tendril" you will be amazed with a new understanding of energy.
Exercise 2 - "Halo"
This exercise is similar to the above one. During twilight/dawn hours, hold your hand up comfortably in front your face about a foot or 30 centimeters. The background of the sky should set the background for your hand. Outstretch your fingers giving a beautiful "high-five" to the universe. As in the above exercise, allow your eyes to soften and relax looking beyond your hand toward the sky. Pay attention to the edge area closest around your hand and fingers.
Your hand against the contrasting background, will appear to slightly glow with a white edging of light. Starting out, you may need to keep your focus on the sky while using your peripheral vision to see the halo. The halo may appear thin, faint and very close to the body at first, but with more practice you will see more depth and width. Remember to keep yourself and your eyes relaxed and before long you will see this auric halo.
Exercise 3 - "Tree Glow"
Another auric exercise can easily be done with viewing energy of trees. During the twilight or dawn hours, choose a tree that is offset with a nice background of the sky. Focus on the trunk or the center until your eyes become relaxed, perhaps imagining the texture of the tree trunk, the coolness of the life giving roots and the branches of green leaves. When you are relaxed, shift your focus to the hues of the sky. While keeping your focus on the sky pay attention to the immediate outline of the tree. Repeat viewing the center of the tree and then the sky if you feel stuck or frustrated. Remember to relax and allow your vision to slightly go out of focus if it needs to. Pay attention to the edge of the tree and the outline of the branches.
You should see an expanded white glow around the perimeter of the tree. You may also see actual energy streaks eminating outward from branches which are similar to those that are seen around the perimeter of the sun during an eclipse. The sun's glow is a good example to explain what can be seen, not only around trees, but in all things.
The Third Wisdom is again, about energy recognition and awareness. It is not a matter of simply seeing it or knowing it is there by scientific means, but the lesson is learning to apply this knowledge to everyday life. As we have discovered all things in our environment are composed of and emit energy. To take it one step further, people and pets pick up and respond to the energy that is around them. This interaction will be demonstrated throughout the remaining of this web section which is the reason to understand the basic concepts of energy within this Wisdom. Energy interactions are an invisible communication system of the body and mind.
We are indeed all connected. We are both teachers and students - in our actions and thoughts.
- What are you teaching others about your spiritualness?
- How do you think others perceive you?
- What are you learning about your energy awareness?
- How are you currently perceiving the world around you?
- Are you paying attention to meaningful coincidences?
We learned in the 1st Wisdom sychronicities may become more notably pronounced such as people showing up at the right time and in the right place or situations happening at a certain time. At this time on your soul's journey your energy is connecting with other people which aligns circumstances and incidences to happen. The energy is connected with your own to compliment your growth. The Universe is energy that responds to our expectations and desires. Such energy connections become fertile ground for the sea of consciousness to expand. This energy dynamics make human consciousness completely malleable.
When we recognize the special beauty in all things at an energetic level we are then recognizing the beauty in ourselves as well. When we grasp the understanding and the concept of energy fields we understand the physical universe. At this point of awareness our core shifts into a higher vibrational rate.